Actually there are four major cycles, the 11 year cycle you mention is somewhat in dispute.

Graywolf wrote:

No surprise that the F6 is selling well. Most of the problem with camera sales was not digital cameras, but the world economic conditions. But things are on the rise again now. I'vw mentioned an 11 year economic cycle many times, and no one listens. I find it strange that none of the so-called economists mention it. Of course I have only lived through six of them: 1948, 1959, 1970, 1981, 1992, and 2003 being the bottoms of the cycle, so maybe my sample is not large enough.

Major wars seem to modify that cycle. The bottom was mild in the US in 1970 when the government was spending billions on the VietNam war. And WWII held things off for about 4 years, the bottom of the cycle prior to '48 being 1933. Taking that 4 year slip into account I can find references that show the cycle holds back to 1900.

Next bottom 2014; expect the economy to start an obvious down trend about 2010 with a possible sudden drop in the stock market a year or too befor that. Stock market crashes seem to happen at the top of the cycle. People blame them for the following depression, but the depression is going to hit reguardless of that.

"Idiot Proof" <==> "Expert Proof"

Scott Loveless wrote:

On Mon, 07 Mar 2005 12:45:46 +0100, Sylwester Pietrzyk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Interestng conclusions. And information that new Nikon F6 sells very well is
surprising too. Apparently there are a lot of people still using film for
PRO work too (Natoinal Geographic should be a good example)...

From the article: "Lord, I don't think I have the strength to face a

world without Leica – I'm just now getting used to a world without Deardorff!" This is off topic, but for those of you with an interest in large format, Mr. Deardorff is once again making view cameras under the name "J. Deardorff Photographic Products Intl.", or DPPI. I have a scan of the catalog that was presented recently by the man himself. It's a VERY LARGE file (~12MB) for only 37 pages. If anyone wants a copy, I'll be happy to post it at my personal site for download. Perhaps someone with a copy of Acrobat would be willing to resize it?

I can understand why mankind hasn't given up war. During a war you get to drive tanks through the sides of buildings and shoot foreigners - two things that are usually frowned on during peacetime.
--P.J. O'Rourke

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