On Mon, 7 Mar 2005 19:06:50 -0600, Don Sanderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The FA is one of the worst lenses I've ever mounted on a camera.
Agreed.  I've got one of these, and it sucks (for lack of a better, or
worse, word.)
> From 28-50 it's bad,  from 50-90 it just gets worse.
> Contrast, sharpness, flare, focusing, build quality, all off the
> charts.....the bottom that is.
Agreed on everything except focusing.  The freakin' focusing ring
wobbles!  Wonderful build quality they've got going for them.
> I had to give it two or three chances to focus on the right
> thing half the time.
Mine focuses well, but that's about it.
> This one is in pristine condition, clean glass and all the rest.
> It's not broken, it's just baaaaaad!
> Back to eekBay it goes, watch for it,and..............
> Don't      buy      it.
I'm keeping mine.  I stick it on when I'm going places that are not
conducive to pampering my camera (like parties, or the zoo).  I figure
if it gets trashed, so what?  At least I'm not sacrificing one of my
primes.  I try to think of it as a disposable snapshot lens.

Scott Loveless

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