
I haven't yet got an istD or istDS but what I would like in a newer body to buy it instead of istD or istDS is:

1. More frames/second. At least 5 frames per second as my LX and MX motordrives do.

2. Larger dynamic range.

3. Larger sensor.

4. ISO controls as dials, controlsd for focus point - as in MZS (maybe istD has it but its discontinued). Speed dial ala MZ-5.

5. Abel to set aperture on lens.



Movin' Up from the istD
Shel Belinkoff
Wed, 09 Mar 2005 06:36:09 -0800

It seems that Pentax may soon be coming out with a replacement for the
istD.  How many istD owners would be interested in trading in the D for the
newer camera, and what features or improvements would be needed in order to
make that choice?


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