Godfrey DiGiorgi mused:
> On Mar 17, 2005, at 11:06 AM, John Francis wrote:
> > If they choose to interpret it literally, then it should be the date
> > that would correspond to day zero in the DOS epoch.  But it isn't.
> > Instead, we get the date that corresponds to day zero (or day -1?)
> > in the Mac epoch.
> I disagree that that's an error. Mac OS users are used to the OS 
> showing the proper garbage date on zero values. Is the camera a Windows 
> device? No. Who knows what its "epoch" is?

It's defined.  It's in the FAT specs.  It's really not difficult.

> It's stupid to put a junk value in a created date field and to make 
> filling the field optional in the file system. That's the real bug. And 
> I won't change that opinion.

Fine.  But's it's not a "junk" value - that's your interpretation.
Continue shouting "Mac is perfect - the rest of the world is wrong"
for as long as you like.

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