Joe Wilensky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>It's optically identical to the A version, so most of the A version's 
>comments (from the two comments posted there) would apply. I have the 
>A version and while some here don't like it, I find it fine for 
>casual shooting. It's the same size as the 35-70 f/4 A lens, which is 
>quite compact. I had the F version once, and it's bulkier because of 
>the bulkier barrel size of most of the F zooms. The F version of the 
>lens flared a bit, as I remember, even with a hood, but the 
>circumstances of the shoot I'm remembering were quite demanding 
>(strong backlight/sunlight with sun just out of the edge of the frame 
>at 24mm).
>It is a very nice range.

Thanks Joe. I found some other comments on the net. Many commented that
it's good when stopped down, which is how I would use it for the most
part. I just ordered one from KEH and I'll do some tests with the ist-D
when it arrives.

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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