
You are correct about "C" having a classic Pentax look.  That must be why I 
like that body the best.

Village Idiot

> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "mike wilson"
> Subject: Re: 645D Photos (under glass) here
> > Alin Flaider wrote:
> >
> >>   Citroens follow the shape of a falling blob, the B (and the 
> >> thing that
> >>   inspired it) look like inflated frogs.
> >
> > Now we know what you do during those long, cold, lonely Romanian 
> > winters.  Hope Valentin hasn't exported the pastime to Canada 8-)
> Oh Man!! I had forgoten the childhood games of Frog Bowling.
> I like "C", FWIW. It looks like a Pentax.
> William Robb 

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