No I meant current, Kodak makes two different DC 14 the c[anon] and the n[ikon] they are built on two different platforms
but they sell for about the same amount. They're not the same camera but they can be considered as a single camera for
my purposes here, thus the "x". Either one would be a competitor for the Pentax 645d. As is the new 16mp Canon offering
If Kodak stays in the dslr business I expect that there will be a new DC 14 follow on before the 645d is released, probably at 18mp.
What do you think the quality difference between a FF 35mm 16-18mp and a 1.3 crop 18mp 645 would really be? Which would
you rather have especially if you use a few w/a lenses, and on average the lenses available to you are 1-2 stops faster in the slightly
smaller format. The current 13mp Kodak is already looked at as a replacement for medium format, hell, 6mp is looked on by some
as a replacement for MF.

Like I said the 645d will have to be very competitively priced.

Ryan Brooks wrote:

Peter J. Alling wrote:

To keep
that they will have to have a perceived quality and similar feature set to the upcoming Canon 16mp
DSLR and a price closer to the current Kodak 14[x].

Upcoming... I think you mean here.


I can understand why mankind hasn't given up war. During a war you get to drive tanks through the sides of buildings and shoot foreigners - two things that are usually frowned on during peacetime.
--P.J. O'Rourke

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