On Sun, 20 Mar 2005 11:22:12 -0500, Graywolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have to agree with Shel on this one. Is manipulation that does not change 
> the meaning of the photo evil? How about those millions of "grip and grin" 
> photos your have seen in the newspapers over the years, every one of them 
> posed? Yes, photos can lie. Reporters can lie. Editors can lie. But their 
> leaving something out that is not relevant to the story is not a lie, it is 
> just ordinary editing (cutting the irrelevant).


I'm not sure if you're responding to John or me here, but I just want
to go on record as saying that manipulation is not evil.  I don't
believe that I've ever said it is.

I have only said that I choose not to do it for myself.  That's a
personal choice, and whatever anyone else chooses to do with their
photos is fine by me.  I make no value judgements on such activities.


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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