Yes, the unavailable FA 35/2 is available at B&H for about $50 less than recent used prices on ebay. Mine ships tonight. Paul

In stock, NOW!!!

Just ordered mine from B&H. The most recent eBay auction went up to $380. I wasn't willing to pay more than $260 used. $295 new seems reasonable to me, so I proceeded with the order. I can't wait to snap a few shots.

As one who owns both an *ist-DS, and a ZX-5n, I have a hard time rationalizing purchasing "DA" lenses, that are incompatible with 35mm film SLR's. 35mm film has been in widespread use for what, 50 years? The APS-sized CCD sensor has been around for a couple of years. How will I feel if Pentax comes out with a full-frame CCD sensor (which I wouldn't be able to resist buying), and I find myself holding a bagfull of DA lenses?

So from my perspective, the solution is to acquire a few nice primes that fit both needs; 35mm and DSLR. In that regard, I now have an FA50 f/1.4, and will be receiving from B&H an FA35 f/2.

Next I'll continue my quest for an FA135 f/2.8. Eventually if I don't find one used, I'll be back to B&H, maybe next month.

That leaves one problem: the wide end. I own an SMC Pentax F 17-28mm f/3.5-4.5 Fisheye, and an SMC Pentax FA 20-35mm f/4 AL. And though I love both of those lenses, they fall short in two regards: First, they're just not quite so cool on an *ist-DS, where the 20-35 suddenly becomes equivilant to a 30-52. And whoever heard of a fisheye lens that isn't all that wide-angle anymore? I've had some success using the fisheye and then correcting in PT-Lens, but that's just a bandaid solution. The second problem with these two lenses is that they just don't satisfy my desire to carry a small, compact prime wide angle lens; for its brightness, improved contrast, compact size, simplicity, and so on. I guess I'm becoming more of a purist.

At the moment, it appears that the FA20mm f/2.8 AL is the best solution. I guess I'll have to start really saving my pennies; it's not an inexpensive lens. I wish it were a little wider too; somewhere in the neighborhood of 16mm f/3.5 maybe, but then it would be even more expensive.

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