frank theriault wrote:

On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 11:19:21 +0800, David Savage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I really do have a good laugh listening to you guys complain about the cold.

It's the complete opposite here. We're officially into autumn and
yesterday it got to 38 C, today it's supposed to get to 40 C. I'm fed
up with summer.

The only ice I ever see is the stuff I put in my drinks. <g>

Bring on winter. :-)

Dave S

Hey, we're tough.  The cold doesn't ~really~ bother us, but by March,
we want to be done with it.

Truth is, Canadians complain about the weather, no matter what season it is.

Summers are too hot.

Winters are too cold.

If it rains it's too wet, if it's sunny we need sunblock.  We'll find
fault with the weather, no matter what it is.


Complaining about the weather is not a unique rite of Canadians, Frank. All human beans complain about it.
That's why seasons are only 3 months long each. By the time nature gets done messing around with your climate zones seasonal changes, you're about nuts for ANY kind of a change! "Just let's get rid of this (heat, wet, cold, snow, wind, etc...)!"

And, you're usually _very_ grateful for the change. For a while. Then you start getting cranky about it...
Keeps the heart beating, and works the psyche! <g>

Me? I can always look to the weather in most places around the world and be infinitely grateful I don't live THERE!
How about summers in the Afar Triangle? Dark, bitterly cold Winters in Scandanavia? The Congo in the rainy season? On and on... There are always places that offer weather you would absolutely HATE! A lot worse than what you're presently matter where you live!

But, few of us are rational enough to smile and say, "Those folks sure have it a lot worse than _I_ do!"
No. We'd rather grouse about it. And why not... <g>


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