Herb Chong wrote on 24.03.05 12:34:

> the only one of the big 5 to revise their profit forecast upwards is Canon.
> there are speculations by financial analysts that as soon as the replacement
> for the Nikon D70 is announced, there's going to be the start of the same
> price war as we a saw in digital P&S cameras. the entry level DSLRs from
> Canon, Nikon, Pentax, and Olympus are basically the same. what's the
> differentiator when that happens? megapixel and price wars.
Replacement for D70 (it will be called D70s and will appear soon) will not
be a reason for a new price war. Both - Nikon and Olympus plan to release
something even chepaer very soon. AFAIK Nikon will call it D50 and it will
be much cheaper than D70... It should appear around April or May. If the
rumours come true - that would mean price range around 500-600 EURO(!)
At last DSLRs would become available to almost everyone. Let's hope Pentax
will catch up.

Balance is the ultimate good...

Best Regards

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