Graywolf wrote:

emacs, the "original" bloated does everything you don't want it to do software.
vi, the perfect editor for use with teletype terminals.

What's VI? Verb intrasigent?

Word, version 6 was great, so they changed it. That is the MS way.

Word 5.1a was much better. I finally copied it and kept it for all time...

lyx, this makes sense, so nobody uses it.

Lyx. Hmmm. No bells go off. Google says: " LyX is the first WYSIWYM document processor." What's M? Must be Mac.

I did some other reading on that site, and it's a bit too cumbersome.
Apparently you have to have this and that program to use it, etc.
Little building blocks.

Oh well.


Edit Pad Lite, I use it.


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