> Oh, yes, in comparison with an M-series, the LX is on the loud side.
> But a K1000 is REALLY REALLY loud. I'm sure it's worse than the LX.
> All the ZX bodies I've encountered have the "hamster sneeze" 
> that the *istD also has.
> I compared my MX to Ken Archer's ME Super once and they 
> sounded about the same, by the way.

Loudest first:

6 x 7
ME Super

No one would complain about the 6 x 7, as it looks as if it should be
asserting it's presence and I assume I had an unusually noisy ME Super.


Camera bags:

Only the two here and after the rubbish has been collected today, one.

My other camera bag demised after 15+ years hard service. I will take the
opportunity to now have a film bag (current one) and one for digital. That
was the plan before but the other bag was too small. Has anyone any
recommendations for a bag for a couple of bodies and several (2 or 3) lenses
with a space for a laptop (might as well think ahead to having space for a
replacement there too)?


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