I've executed colour integrity and repro tests (from capture to print) and I
trust the integrated *ist D profiles (for daylight and manual WB) and I trust
the ability of the PC CS RAW convertor to interpret the cameras WB information.

These are integrated profiles within the RAW image? I don't think that the -DS has integrated profiles.

Wow I didn't realize the GIMP only allowed 8 bit file handling, that must be a
joy to work with.

Yeah. I used to think it wasn't a big deal, but now that I've learned more about the huge nonlinear elements to graphics processing, it becomes a huge deal. I know that it's a big planned feature, but I'm pretty sure it will require a ground-up rewrite of *LOTS* of things... that's why it's been put off. I believe they're planning on using a color management engine/library that isn't really written yet... thus the trouble.

  That might be useful.  Aside from the Bayer interpolation, you
could use dcraw to get out a linear TIFF file.  We'll see if they ever
answer my email first.

Fair enough, assuming it can generate a 16 bit file it might be worth while to do.

Yes... dcraw (it's vanilla C-code, so it runs fine under Winders/Mac) will do 16-bit linear files.


* Cory Papenfuss                                                        *
* Electrical Engineering candidate Ph.D. graduate student               *
* Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University                   *

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