As someone who went straight from the MZ-60 to D, and am now going
back the other way looking for a capable film backup body, what film
camera has roughly the same feature-set as the D, especially insofar
as hyper-modes, auto-focus, and information in the viewfinder...?   I
take it the *ist is not the best option?

On Mon, 28 Mar 2005 15:58:06 -0800 (PST), Gianfranco Irlanda
> William Robb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > The F2 and the MX mount both a 50/1.4 lens.
> > 
> > BRAVO!!!. You have the hot shoe.
> > I never missed not having a way to mount a flash on my F2s. Do
> you use 
> > yours?
> I did, although not a lot. I used the Nikons for weddings every
> now and then and, although the F2 was usually loaded with B&W,
> the possibility to mount the flash was a great thing. 
> Think that a week before I bought that one, in another shop I
> saw a *brand new* (I'm talking about 1998) F2 AS, a remnant they
> discovered that day... They asked me for body only and without
> flash adapter the same amount I was going to pay for mine
> (complete outfit *with* original ER case!) few days later. I've
> never regretted I skipped that collector body...
> > I did use an SB-15 on my F3. It was cool, it flipped 180º, one
> way it was 
> > right over the lens, the other it was as far above (though
> slightly off 
> > centre) the lens as possible.
> > It was really well thought out.
> > Prism mounted flash just doesn't work as well, it seems. I
> noticed that poor 
> > little Pentax that Don showed us has an offset hotshoe. Did
> Pentax make a 
> > flash to take advantage of the offset?
> All the Z/PZ series cameras had that feature, it was one of the
> things I really liked about them (along with the Hyper modes).
> The flashes didn't have the possibility to be centered over the
> lens, but you always had the weight in the right place (right
> hand). I do prefer to shoot verticals with my right hand up, so
> the combo made perfect sense to me.
> Gianco
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