On 3/29/05 7:41 AM, "Morten Dahl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I just bought an  *ist DS with the 16-45 mm. Very happy about it, and
> will probably buy the 50-200.
> But one thing is worrying me: What are the chances that a Pentax DSLR
> with a full frame sensor will make my DA-lenses obsolete?


I have been lurking this list for quite a while (never left it though.  When
I was not subscribing, I was watching the archive), partly because I have
been very busy, so much so that I could not take much time for my hobbies.

I am just about ready to plunge into a DSLR world after holding out for
perhaps too long.  I purchased a Canon G3 a few years ago with an intention
to use it as a stopgap until the DSLR market would stabilize and the choice
would become easier (it never did ;-).  I have Pentax lenses as well as some
heresy (Canon) lenses and naturally compared the *ist D/Ds and EOS 20D/Rebel
XT.  After handling those two brands and particularly peeked through the
Rebel's finder (even 20D), the decision was easy.   I am going to buy
exactly the same combination as you chose, plus a new DA 100mm macro
(replacing my current FA 100mm macro).  Too bad the FA 50/1.4 escaped me
just when I was ready to place an order.  I am going to scrap my current
Pentax lens possession (except Limited's etc) and restructure it into a
compact line.  I have a 645N set but I rarely use it these days.

I am a known small camera enthusiast and the current crop of APS-C sized
DSLR was a God send to me.  It made a compact package really possible.  I
have no particular sentiment to 35mm which has long been a film standard.
35mm means less and less to me.  We have been so used to the 35mm standard
but now everything is relative.  APS sized sensor will continue to improve
in the future anyway.
You already know some design difficulties involving lenses dedicated to the
small size sensor particularly at the wider end.  Fast/wide angle lenses
will become huge if they have to be used for a FF sensor size.  I am not an
expert of course but Canon EF mount probably has enough (barely) diameter
which can make it happen and that's one of the reasons why they have FF
models already.

As to Pentax, they once produced a FF DSLR (proto type), and I am sure it is
technically very feasible, but I am not sure if they are really enthusiastic
in pursuing it, at least for now. The current K mount size is probably very
optimum for the APS size sensor and besides, Pentax is an expert in
producing compact package, thus this is the area they can demonstrate their
ability fully and compete in the market.
Nikon, with a similar mount size with K-mount, is probably in the same
thinking although they are different from Pentax in that their pride would
force them to compete with Canon in every market segment.  But their is a
persistent rumour of the mount change when they enter into a FF market.

Pentax is sooner or later going to market their digital 645 and some
speculate that this is the Pentax version of FF digital.  I am not sure.
They probably responded to the studio requests to produce the 645 digital
but could enter into a FF DSLR market as soon as they see the market matures
(if ever) and feel confident that they could compete.  They have all
necessary technologies and probably are waiting for a competitive sensor
supplier to appear.
But it appears that the market is calming down and beginning to firmly
embrace the APS sized sensor. Actually FF might even become a niche with the
APS sized sensor matures.
I cannot trade the compact package of Pentax system for the size of Canon
lenses.  Taking the example of Rebel line of their entry level DSLR, it
appeals particularly well to those who enter into a DSLR market for the
first time with little or no lenses (and some who cannot quite afford 20D's)
are buying into it.  But some level headed Canon enthusiasts are also buying
*ist Ds.  They do not like the cheap construction (really) and the small and
poor tunnel vision finder (infamous Canon finder with an "attitude", i.e.,
just use if for a framing purpose and let their superb AF take care of the
rest :-).

Anyway, to answer your question, from what I observe, the APS size sensor
will be with us on a long haul and it might even become a standard.  Even if
Pentax might join the FF market in the future, my bet is that they won't
abandon the APS size sensor.  They probably might even try to nurture it.
Pentax's lens road map shown in the recent Tokyo Show clearly indicates
their commitment to the more compact lens line (DA and DFA), and their
acknowledgement of the necessity to show it to their customers (very rare
move for them, but probably to respond to the exactly the kind of question
you have).

I am very happy to see that they shrunk the size of their Macro lenses for
example (these are not just for the digital though) and if the new ones are
as good as (or hopefully better than) the current line, I will replace mine
with a new one in a heartbeat.  The size matters and it is worth paying for
as far as I am concerned.



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