----- Original Message ----- From: "Mark Roberts"
Subject: Re: Enablement, The best 35mm camera ever!!!!

My dream film camera would be an MZ-S with the dual control wheels and AF system of the ist-D and the OTF metering of the LX.

I don't *think* I'd buy one, but if they made such a beast I'd be very,
very tempted.

I bet I could talk you into it<G>

Keep the control wheels, if they put those on, you can forget about the aperture simulator.
OTF metering, absolutely. When the LX meter works, it workes very well, I think now a multipoint OTF should be possible though, with variable highlight/shadow control.
Something sized somewhat larger than an MX would be realistic, though if they could get the size down to an MX, or smaller, and also keep the build quality solid, it would be ideal.
I would like interchangable prisms, if they could make the same prism arrangement as the LX, that would be ideal, since I am a cheap prick, and don't want to buy another set of prisms.

It would be nice to have a complete set, it's the only one I need.

I would prefer a horizontal shutter, even though it means a loss of high speed flash sync.
I do believe they are more reliable in the long haul, and this would be a long haul camera.
I'll take a manual film advance, thank you, but throw a high speed motor drive into the kit, and make the film advance gears out of metal , rather than plastic, if you please.

Lets go with a steel chassis covered with black enameled brass. I'm a bit of a traditionist that way.
I could go on and on......

William Robb

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