Yep (if anyone is interested his story is here:

I hadn't heard about it until I found that page when I was searching for the name of the art. I originally went there to test out my Sigma 135-400mm and I took a few photos of the rail bridge that he was shooting but didn't get stopped (my skin is alot lighter than his). I even forgot a lens case next to the dam for a few minutes but no one called the bomb squad on me.

Peter Williams wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: David Volkert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Two shots of a work of art next to the Ballard locks in Seattle.[EMAIL PROTECTED]/8174498/in/photostream/

Looks like nice sculpture, your first pic was excellent. I really like the shapes and tones captured. Well done.

Isn't Ballard Locks where the dark-skinned man had the big
trouble with security guards and the FBI when he was taking
photos there?

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