Shel Belinkoff wrote on 4/5/2005, 11:24 AM:

 > The Luminous Landscape has an  article by Pete Myers on the value of
 > post-production editing for photographers:
 > "What I am suggesting is that the real power of photography in our modern
 > digital age is in using the computer in making an image... I really don't
 > care all that much about what the picture looks like that I took in the
 > field â I care about what I can make of the image in postproduction.
 > Certainly that does not excuse me from doing my best in taking a
 > picture in
 > the field, but the point is what happens in the field is not an end all â
 > it's a beginning."
 > Any comments on this?

The first comment is: The same could be said about film and the wet 

The second is: Having shot 99% slides before going 100% digital, my 
workflow has changed considerably.  In shooting slides with very little 
"fix it in the processing" leeway, I had to nail exposures in the field. 
  Now, shooting digital, exposure is not as critical (as long as I don't 
blow out highlights) because I can "fix it in photoshop"

Finally, I still try my best to get the right exposure, composition, and 
focus in the camera to make my post processing easier and faster.


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