Alternate titles:

The Hunter and the Hunted,
Body Language,
"What's Your Sign?"

Comments welcome.

BTW, not that I want to beat this Diane Arbus thing to death, but I
had some time to kill today, so I sat in a bookstore, looking through
one of her books.  Lots of 6x6 stuff, taken with a Mamiya tlr.  Also,
quite surprisingly to me, lots of flash stuff.  AND, lots of shadows
from the flash.  Just like in this photo.  Just wanted to point that
out (as a pre-emptive strike against those who comment that they don't
like the flash shadows <vbg>).  Of course, you're still allowed to not
like them, but I have someone on my side <g>.

"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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