Joseph Tainter wrote on 4/5/2005, 3:22 PM:

 > "I have the Vivitar AF set which supports ALL functions necessary for
 > automatic aperture control and autofocus just like the "A" lenses."
 > Christian, could you clarify which Vivitar set you have, and how one
 > finds them? The only Pentax AF extension tubes I am aware of are the
 > Kenko Teleplus extenders in 12 and 25 mm. lengths.

I have to apologize for my treatment of photographic gear.  I have no 
idea what model the vivitar tubes are... :-(  All I know is that they 
have all the little contact thingies to support AF and metering.  And, 
judging by the way these things are, I wouldn't be surprised if they 
were just re-branded Kenko tubes pr vice-versa...  and looking at some 
eekbay stuff... the Kenko tubes do look just like my Vivitars.

 > Oh...weren't there some Vivitar tubes that also contained glass? Do you
 > have these?

No.  By definition, extension tubes should have no glass.  There is a 
vivitar 2x Macro converter that is basically a helicoid extension tube 
grafted to a 2x TC.


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