Hi Joe,

I've already got a 30gb Ipod photo, but I'm still trying to find the best
way of getting images from cards to the unit itself. There are a couple of
proprietry connectors, but they are hideously slow. I'm sort of fishing at
the moment, and hopefully I come up with something useable.

The Ipod's don't have direct card access (i.e. there is no card slots,
only the built in USB/Firewire support). The problem is that the ipod
can't power a card reader etc through its USB/firewire port. More's the

Other than that, the iPod is a brilliant and beautifully made piece of
kit, which does its primary job really well.



Joseph Tainter said:
> Double check this before buying, Shaun. I believe these cannot read CF
> cards. They are basically for looking at your photos while you play music.
> I have used a 40 GB Flashtrax with 95% satisfaction. All images came
> through (from a trip to Hungary last September), which is what mattered.
> The unit locked up on me a couple of times as I was transferring images
> (the 5% dissatisfaction), but no images were lost. There may be a
> software update by now that solves the problem but I haven't gone
> looking for it.
> Joe

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