Hi Gonz ....

The detailed pic doesn't add anything .... the original is a much better
photo, even with its flaws.

BTW, have you tried running the pic through Noise Ninja or Neat Image?


> [Original Message]
> From: Gonz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <pentax-discuss@pdml.net>
> Date: 4/8/2005 10:36:08 PM
> Subject: Re: PESO: I'm watching you
> Thanks Shel for your input.  Here is a closer crop (@ 200%) in its 
> original state:
> http://www.g0nz.com/images/sleepy3.jpg
> I played around with it alot trying to get the crop + the detail that I 
> wanted to convey.  But alas, what I really needed was a longer and 
> brighter lens.  A 135/2.5 would have been nice in this case.  The 
> "grain" from the high iso really obscures what would have been a much 
> better pic.

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