Cotty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On 9/4/05, Peter J. Alling, discombobulated, unleashed:
>>In case anyone wonders why I haven't been on the list of late, I had a 
>>paying gig for most of the last two weeks that kept me
>>busy and out of touch, then my Win2K server decided to go tits up.  
>>(Near as I can tell the mother board is completely fried).
>>Since it was the only machine that could be connected to the internet, 
>>for various technical reasons, I was SOL.  I've reconfigured
>>and I'm now off to find a replacement MB.   I've got 5588 messages in my 
>You were gone........?

And what's this "paying gig" thing that I hear people talking about

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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