Neat photograph.  I really like the composition.  Also, the detail on
the 'pods' (what are those thing?) seems a bit lacking.  But by the
looks of the tile, you've already tried to bring out some shadow
detail.  Otherwise, I really like it.  You always do good job of
presenting B&W photographs.  Since I know you're using a digital
camera, this is really impressive.  Quite often digital images made to
look B&W turn out looking like fake-grained, desaturated digital
images.  Good work.

On Apr 8, 2005 1:17 AM, Godfrey DiGiorgi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Working a couple of graphical compositions. This one appealed to me
> today:
> Comments and critique always appreciated.
> enjoy,
> Godfrey

Scott Loveless

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