On Apr 10, 2005, at 8:25 AM, Frantisek wrote:

   as sacrilegous as it is to me, I have some B&W conversions from
   digital which I would really like to have as fiber B&W prints (e.g.
   the frontpage photograph on my website).

   I am not much keen on printing them on Frontier (even though the
   new 370 offers 600 DPI, it is still only 8-bit output) or inkjet.

I recall somebody (Godfrey?) talking a while back about using laser
film writers to output the negative for platinum printing. The same
could be perhaps used to produce a tweaked 35mm negative for traditional
B&W printing (no one yet here in Prague has the new Durst digital
enlarger, which could be great for it, as it looked very promising,
and _very_ expensive, although one pro printer mentioned thinking about
getting one...).

Anybody has any pointers or hints or experience with this?

I used film writers quite a bit back when I was at NASA, but not since. The process I think I mentioned is making digital inkjet negatives for darkroom contact printing. ... Dan Burkholder was a pioneer in this process:



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