On Apr 11, 2005, at 4:50 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I took a copy of your original JPEG and made a very slight edit opening
up the shadow areas only with a Curves Adjustment Layer and a mask.
I'll send that to you for your evaluation.

And a pretty good job it was too, especially considering you worked from the web
version of the pic. I'm not too clever with curves, I need to spend more time
playing and reading tutorials with the Curves and also with the (new to me)
Shadow/Highlight adjustments.


I've never used the Shadow/Highlight adjustments ... I always use Levels and Curves in Adjustment Layers, with masking to apply the adjustment selectively.

I don't mind if you put up your version of the pic for 24 hours or so to show
others what you managed to get out of it.

Sure ... Just remind me to delete it soon as I tend to forget...



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