> I have several 70/80-200/210 zooms in the F/4-5.6 range for
> autofocus.
> All of them have their strengths and weaknesses.
> Some are good at the short end and poor at the long end.
> Others are just the opposite.
> **What is your favorite mid-range zoom?**

I do have some experience with a few different "70/80-200/210 zooms", so I
thought I'd chime in with a few comments.

> The ATX 80-200/2.8 is fantastic but it's large, heavy and manual focus.

Among the f/2.8's, I really like the FA* 80-200/2.8 (what's not to like,
except I would have preferred a one-touch zoom, but I know it's an AF lens,
so...).  I also really like the ol' manual focus Tokina ATX 80-200/2.8
(which I'm reluctant to give up, even though I now have the FA*).  I don't
care as much for the autofocus ATX 80-200/2.8 (although, to be honest, I
have not used it as much as the others).  All three lenses do seem very
well built.  However, about as was said, all of these are big and heavy -
not exactly walking around lenses - <g>.  (Of course, the "heavy" goes
hand-in-hand with the "well built".)  But, when you're short on photons...

> The F70-210/4-5.6 is good when it wants to be but I get inconsistent
> results with it, both exposure and image quality wise.

I still haven't gotten excited about the F 70-210/4-5.6.  (I know some
people love this lens, but I can say that there is not a universal
admiration of it.)  I find that the A 70-210/4 is better (unless maybe I
just have a "dud" of an F lens) in all ways (except maybe in autofocus
speed - <g>).  In fact, jumping directly to the "bottom line question", the
A 70-210/4 is my favorite all-around flavor of the "70/80-200/210 zooms".

Among some of the 3rd-party models, I've used the five different VS1
70-210's:  The original VS1 70-210/3.5 is solid, but is not quite as sharp
as the second VS1 70-210/3.5 (which is optically identical, as far as I can
tell, to the Tokina 70-210/3.5), which I'd say is tied with the VS1
70-210/2.8-4.  The fourth and fifth VS1 70-210's (both f/2.8-4) are not as
good as their predecessors (although the Q-DOS version, i.e., the fifth
version, is a lot of fun to play with).

So, my "bottom line" choice for this category is still the A 70-210/4.


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