G'day Dave

They do act as if they're hyped up on something :-) It's neat to see
it jump about a meter straight up to catch something though.

If you're not bored already, here's one more shot. You can see it
watching one of the little bugs that got stirred up:


I missed the focus, but this was one of the few times I could actually
see what it was hunting.

No more pic's. I promise.<g>

Dave S

>>Very similar behaviour to European wagtails which, in addition,
chase things >>down through the vegetation. It's extremely amusing
watching them running >>about like little velociraptors, head down,
tail parallel to the ground, searching >>for food.
>The Willy Wagtail is apparently a kind of fantail. Fantails are
really fascinating to >watch when they're chasing insects in the air.
They look like they're on >something :)
>- Dave

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