On 15 Apr 2005 at 14:52, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Strange. All my non-photographer friends who shoot occasional snaps are more
> than happy with digital. My kids, who never could be bothered with film, are
> happily snapping away with digital. They e-mail a lot of pics and print a few.
> It works for them. Seems to work for almost everyone I know. Mini labs that 
> are
> counting on a resurgence of film are doomed. Paul

The reality here is that for the mainstream it's getting difficult to find film 
let alone a film camera. Even the camera store brochures only have a half page 
or a page dedicated to film cameras these days. I know we aren't quite third 
world here but film has pretty much had it, there are sufficient digital print 
facilities around the place that people don't need computers to make prints. 

Even the little cheapo ink-jets have card readers with direct printing these 
days and they are becoming more idiot resistant with each incarnation. Also I 
hardly see a tourist with a film camera these days either, lots of them even 
seem quite content to use phone cams for their holiday snaps.

Digital imaging obviously isn't mature but it isn't utter crap either, who here 
has dumped their DSLR to go back to shooting 35mm film?

Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
Pentax user since 1986, PDMLer since 1998

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