I've done a little IR with the *ist-D and a Hoya RM 90 (Wratten 87B equivalent, I believe.) Maybe this filter just blocks too much light, but you need long exposures even at high ISO and bright light.

Here's a sample of a shot straight from the camera, with no adjustment:


The same shot, desaturated, with a few quick tweaks to the levels and curves (there is a lot more potential, I just did some quick, basic adjustments sitting here):


That was in light overcast sun. To give you an idea of the exposure factor that was taken at ISO 3200, 1/4th second, f8. Shots without the filter taken at the same time were metering at 1/180 - f16 (close to the sunny 16 rule that you'd expect in near full sun at midday.) So that's a .... 9 stop lose if I have counted my fingers right.

But, the RM90 is a pretty aggressive filter for this use, and leave almost no visible light.

I did experience some odd effects while shooting with this setup, which I now think are "sensor flare" (I had not heard about it at the time I shot the IR shots.) Here's an example:


FWIW - I shot these in the alvar grassland in Drummond Island, Michigan. Alvars are areas where the bedrock goes right up to the surface of the earth, so there are a few inches of soil and no water drainage. The result is extremes of moisture and dryness. I hoped the IR (both digital and film) would make the plants pop from the rocky soil, but neither the digital shots nor the shots with HEI worked out as intended.

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Mark Cassino Photography
Kalamazoo, MI
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----- Original Message ----- From: "Derby Chang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Pentax Discuss" <pentax-discuss@pdml.net>
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2005 8:10 PM
Subject: IR with *istDS

Has anyone tried IR with the istDS?


I took a quick pic with a remote control, and saw the IR light. Might go out an buy an 88A filter.



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