Keith Whaley mused:
> John Francis wrote:
> > William Robb mused:
> > 
> >>That's just your country, and it isn't supposed to happen until 2006 IIRC.
> > By 2008.  Although as the Pres. has just woken up to what it is he
> > signed into law, and publicly stated he thinks it's a bad idea, I
> > rather suspect that after the 60-day public review period called
> > for in the legislation this provision will quietly get dropped.
> ???
> I guess I'm going to have to read up on this little news item.
> I've pretty much ignored all mention of it up to now, since I see no 
> imminent trips for me on the horizon, in either direction!
> You mean it simply won't be enforced?
> Clarify what you believe please...

The legislation (to make passports required at the US borders
with Mexico and with Canada, instead of just a simple photo ID)
specifically contains a requirement for a 60-day period for the
public to comment.  Presumably at the end of that time there
will be another vote; I'd expect the (unpublicised) result to
be that the proposal gets the 'no' vote, and is allowed to
slide off into obscurity.

It's of little interest to citizens of other foreign countries;
for them, passports are already required.  I'm not sure whether
my resident alien card (aka green card) is sufficient; I always
use my passport, just to be sure.

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