John Francis wrote:
Keith Whaley mused:

I read in today's paper of the imminent breakup of MG Rover.
Last large car maker in the UK.

Sad that!
They said some 5000 will lose their jobs.

Will Rover be able to survive on it's own?

There is no "Rover" as a separate entity.

Land Rover hasn't been part of the Rover group for some time.

Uhhh, you're telling me, Rover as a CAR does not exist anymore? Nobody makes one? Of any kind?

Same for Land Rover? Are they going to have to recall Cotty's?  Oh dear!

Hmmm. Next thing you'll be tryingto tell me is that there's no MG anymore! Soighhh.

Good thing I've got several books describing (and picturing) those good ol' days, or all my memories would be gone!


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