frank theriault wrote:


From: "Hans Imglueck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 2005/04/13 Wed PM 02:27:32 GMT
Subject: PESO: Back with ladybug

Hi all,

was for long not present but I'm back. What do you think of this

I think (but I'm not sure - Ladybirds are not my speciality) that this is an asian specie, commonly called the harlequin, that has invaded the USA and, recently, Europe, devouring all in its path. It was originally introduced as a predator for aphids, at which it is excellent. Unfortunately, once the aphids are all gone, unlike any decent predator it does not die out itself but tranfers its affections to other prey. Including other ladybirds. Excellent picture....

I haven't read the rest of the comments to see who might agree or
disagree with you, Mike, but before I read yours, those were my
thoughts exactly.  Including the part about "excellent picture", BTW

It was the light orange colour that reminded me of the evil swarming ladybugs.

The last couple of summers they've been here in the Toronto area, and
they are little bastards! The ladybug equivalent of killer bees. Not
only do they descend on an area by the hundreds of thousands, covering
walls and sidewalks with, but the little beggars bite human flesh! I've been used to nice ladybugs, that just sort of crawl around on my
arm for a bit and fly away, and before I heard about what these things
were, I was enjoying the spectacle of one strolling about on my arm,
when the little bastard bit me! I was quite taken aback by it.

Actually...... all Ladybirds are voracious (is there any other sort?) predators, both in larval and adult stages. All of them can give humans a nip. Generally that's all and generally they don't unless severely provoked. These Harlequins seem to be sort of superladybirds, who are more willing to "have a go". Ladybirds have had too good a press for too long! 8-)))

Later that evening, there was a TV news article about the infestation, and the latest disaster of humans introducing alien species with the best of intentions, gone awry.

When will we learn?

Not in our lifetime...


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