Delightfully surreal, Shel. :-)


On Apr 16, 2005, at 9:44 PM, Shel Belinkoff wrote:

Saw this as I was driving by a most unusual shop filled with odd antiques
and old movie props and paraphernalia. This was leaning against a wall in
the shop driveway, and I immediately turned around, parked the car, and
grabbed a couple of shots with a little P&S I had with me. Some time later
I went back when the light was more appropriate for the scene and got this
rendition. It sure loses detail when scanned and resized.

Tech details: Pentax MX, K35/3.5 @ 5.6, Fuji Reala, Nikon Coolscan V,
Photoshop CS, Springbank 21

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