Hi John  ... I think people are mostly absent from my color work because,
when using color I'm looking for images that are more graphic in nature -
shapes, textures, contrasts - and not so much looking to tell a story.  For
me, color gets in the way and obscures what I'm trying to do with B&W, or
it's a big distraction.  For the most part I try to keep the colors simple
because color confuses me, and because I'm more often than not unsure about
how to properly expose (since I "see" in B&W and am so used to working with
shadows and light rather than the more open feeling that color seems to
require).  I can't place tonal values when shooting color as with B&W.


> [Original Message]
> From: John Forbes 

> Frank's right.  IMO your colour shots are invariably superb, and this is  
> certainly no exception.  That's not to knock your b&w; but your colour  
> shots seldom contain people, and I think that makes them more powerful.   
> Perhaps there's just less to think about.  :-)

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