I was pointed here by a photographer in Pittsburgh PA (Mark Roberts); he said you guys (alright AND gals) would be able to give me some further insight on the above subject.
I have always owned Pentax equipment and still shoot with 2 Pentax MX bodies. I have accumulated a roomful of lenses (mostly prime Pentax fixed length), filters, bellows, extension tubes, yadda...yadda. All of them are obviously k-mount lenses with no auto-focus. I also have several Vivitar 285s with slaves, filters, and remote sensor cables. I'm looking at an *ist D/DS (haven't made up my mind) body. I, obviously, would like to use my existing lenses and lighting systems to control initial cash flow. I am entering a joint ebay partnership/venture with a business associate, and my contribution is the technical side of the house, including the photography. I am looking to use this system to do "standard" product documentation and close-up documentation. Here are my questions... Anybody here using k-mount lenses on a D/DS? I'm interested in the pros and cons. I realize that I will lose the automatic features of the camera/lenses, but I am used to shooting with an MX. What are the thoughts from those of you who have been down this path. The second question is on the flash systems. Will the D/DS control a Vivitar 285 flash unit; both with and without the remote sensor? Are there any issues with the triggering voltages required for the 285? >From the looks of the other discussions, thank you for your help and input! Mitch