Way to go Frank. Earned recognition is a very good thing!

Kenneth Waller

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Apr 20, 2005 11:36 AM
To: pentax-discuss@pdml.net
Subject: Re: OT: Publication!

Congratulations Frank! Very nice shots. And it looks like they printed them 
quite well. It's nice to see your hard work pay off with some recognition. Good 

> Well, maybe it's not OT, because all photos were taken with Pentax equipment.
> My friend Jennifer Moore's group, Pirate Jenny released their new CD
> today, and 7 of my photos are featured in the package.  The cover
> photo (a portrait of her) is the only photo that's not mine, but the
> rest (all performance photos) are mine.
> Quite exciting!
> Here are rough scans of the back cover, the back page of the booklet
> (with attribution and thanks) and one of the performance shots of her
> (I'm glad she chose that one, because it's one of my faves:
> http://www.photo.net/photodb/folder?folder_id=488908
> I'm listening to her CD as I type, and it's wonderful.  A great job of
> recording and production;  a wonderful job of making her and the group
> sound as great as they do in concert (which, sadly, wasn't captured on
> her first CD).
> I know I've posted her site before, but here it is again:
> http://www.piratejenny.ca/
> You can see the front cover of her new CD there, plus listen to some
> songs off her first CD.
> I'm pumped.
> cheers,
> frank
> -- 
> "Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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