I hate when that happens!  I think we've all experienced a time when we've
returned to make a photo only to find the scene changed somehow.  I was
really looking forward to seeing what you might have come up with today. 
Oh, well ...


> [Original Message]
> From: Bruce Dayton 

> Alas, I got up early this morning, took the tripod, Tokina 400, Tamron
> 90 macro and the DA 16-45 to tackle this image with the suggestions
> that have been given.  When I got to the site, no branch!  Someone had
> removed it - I can't figure out why - other than the stupidity of man.
> It was off trail and didn't present any kind of danger.  I'm guessing
> that someone thought that spot didn't look sterile enough!
> So, opportunity lost...live and learn I guess.

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