My friend has just returned from 4 weeks in Australia with his Ds, and
has a question -  


My friend shot 90 frames mixing RAW and high quality Jpeg, and and the
file names are all IMGPXXXX.PEF and IMGPXXXX.JPG as one would expect.

My friend then takes his SD card out of the camera and uploads the shots
onto his Powerbook via USA card reader. He then deleted the fles from the
card using the Powerbook by dragging them to the trash and emptying the
trash. He then replaced the card in the camera. Now, the file numbering
is still okay and continuous, but the prefix has changed from IMGP to
_IGP - example: '_IGP0091.PEF' and '_IGP0092.JPG'

Is this normal? Can the prefix be changed back to IMGP? Is it normal?



||   (O)   |     People, Places, Pastiche

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