On Apr 28, 2005, at 6:45 PM, Rob Studdert wrote:
All of these are judgements based on their performance with the 10D and
*ist DS bodies. Performance on film often differs ... The Canon 28/1.8
has a bad rap with film SLR users for corner and edge softness. I think
the even overall quality of the Pentax A28/2.8 when wide open is
probably more appealing on film.

The A28/2.8 was never a stellar performer, did you get a chance to compare the
Canon 28/1.8 with the 31LTD wide open when you had it? I'd guess that would be
more of an even match?

The 31LTD is a different class of lens entirely compared to the Canon 28/1.8 or Pentax A28/2.8 ... I never did anything like a rigorous comparison test but I could tell immediately from the first images I took with it that it was a much better performer all across the board.


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