Simply put, it's greasy! Inside!

This was supposed to be the crown jewel of my lens collection, a reasonably fast, reasonably wide, reasonably good wide angle lens. Of good, if neglected, pedigree. Fine for taking somewhat blurry pictures in the dark at the carnival.

Other than the oily stuff inside it seems to be fine, no signs of wear or damage, everything turns silky smooth, the diaphragm even shuts down fine. Other than the oil the glass seems fine, too.

What are my options for fixing this? I got for seventy dollars with an A3000 body and would be willing to spend something to get it cleaned. I've never taken lenses apart but I'm fairly mechanically adept and might be willing to try cleaning it myself if I could do so with a reasonable chance of success.

Here's a page with pictures of and with the lens:

Thanks in advance,
Alan P. Hayes
Meaning and Form: Writing, Editing and Document Design
Pittsfield, Massachusetts

Photographs at

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