Good composition of a soft appealing scene.
IMO, all I would change would be to gently lighten the
"house" wall.
The small white 'thing' in the water and the
'muddy'(too bad) left foreground area are somewhat
Darkening the distant tree line slightly might improve
the overall balance.
If you disagree, I stand corrected. 

--- "P. J. Alling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yet another in the boathouse series...
> Probably some distortion here, the horizon seems to
> be trailing down to 
> the right and the building leans to the left. 
> Oh well. I'm too lazy and tired to correct it
> tonight.
> As usual comments are appreciated but may be totally
> ignored.
> ---
> A man's only as old as the woman he feels.
>                                         --Groucho
> Marx

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