On 29/4/05, Godfrey DiGiorgi, discombobulated, unleashed:

>I downloaded the pictures to analyze them. You didn't embed profiles. 
>In the Windows and Mac OS comparison images, on my calibrated screens 
>(both the PBG3 and the iMac G4 20") the Windows image has overly bright 
>highlights and good shadows where the Mac OS version holds the 
>highlights but goes a little too deep on the shadows. If I change my 
>system default ColorSync RGB profile to sRGB, the Mac OS version looks 
>slightly better but still goes a little too deep on the shadow areas; 
>the Windows version looks a little more glary bright on the highs.

Okay, have patience with me on this one Godders. I've pulled the two
comparison pics and trashed them - I've started again from scratch - I
went back to my original optimised PSD I made from the camera original
jpeg. I reduced the dimensions to 700 pixels along the longest edge (as I
always do), sharpened up a tad for web, converted the working profile of
Adobe RGB to sRGB, and saved as another PSD. I then import that PSD into
Freeway and it gets converted into a jpeg in there. can you have a quick
look at the pic now, and tell me if you can see any embedded profile?

>If your screen was calibrated and you then output an file converted to 
>sRGB with embedded sRGB profile, I would see virtually no shift in 
>Safari as Safari always honors profiles. Without a profile, it's 
>rendering your file relative to the screen calibration ... that's the 
>best it can do.

Understood...I think.

When I set my system up a while ago now, I read from Evening's 'Adobe
Photoshop for Photographers' and made my adjustments accordingly. The
monitor is an old Apple 1705 Colorsync, and I have its profile selected
in ColorSync. I calibrated it according to my eyes and ambient light (no
spyders and wotnots), and its profile is registered in my System Prefs as
'Calibrated Display'.

Trying to get my head around this,



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