Hi Rob Studdert,

I am a newbe to this discusion group so please exuse me if I am not responding 
to this email correctly.

"Unfortunately given your statement above it's difficult to tell just where 
are coming from. Do you believe that you have mastered B&W conversion from 
direct digital captures or scanned film, and from what aspect of the process 
does your dissatisfaction stem?

Making a decent print is not such a difficult matter for a skilled B&W printer 
who has good negatives to work with and the right equipment. I'm guessing that 
printing B&W digital to paper will get better and easier as digital print 
systems evolve too. There are already various options that can provide 
exceptional results such as 1:1 contact printing from high resolution 
generated film negatives and there are also products coming on line that are 
attempting to bridge the gap between digital image capture and conventional 
silver print such as the DeVere Digital Enlarger:"

OK,  You got me here.  I suspected that there would be a digital enlarger down 
the road.  I also have a 67 system too.  However, I do not have a bottomless 
budget and when it comes down to it the digital divide is $$.  That enlarger
 I am sure is no out-of-pocket expense.  Top of the line cannon is still some 
serious $$$$.  Most people (pro or not) are not going to justify that kind of 
layout of cash and why should they.  As you stated;

"I'm guessing that 
printing B&W digital to paper will get better and easier as digital print 
systems evolve too."

"Granted digital image capture is in its early stages"

Granted, most   digital that I have seen has been on a computer.  I am still 
not convenced (yet) that digital can do B&W affectively. All digital  is 
doing is taking a jpg or tiff and changing the colot to grey tones. I am not 
sure if that is really a desired affect?  However,  I am still a film snob at 
this point too :)

  I am sure you have seen this link.

I have not seen tests on all their latest lenses but I have on their EF 50mm 
lenses an they are not Impressive.
I am not sold on the anti vibrasion stuff as really worth a cannon system.  

Mike R. - you will only get my pentax from my cold dead fingers ;)

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