I refuse to have an Intel box in my house, (lots of reasons lets not go into it). I'm running Photoshop 5.5 on windows 98 on one AMD 2.5Ghz box and Photoshop 7.0 on a Win2k AMD 3.5Ghz box. I've yet to run into any Photoshop problems with either. I can't say that you'll have no problems with PS CS but based on my experience I wouldn't expect any. On the other hand Adobe obviously doesn't want to make any promises and be held liable.

Joseph Tainter wrote:

Does anyone know if either CS or CS 2 will run okay on an AMD Athlon 1.33 Ghz processor?

Adobe refuses to answer an e-mail question about this. Instead I am referred to the web site, where (for CS) only Intel processors are listed. This includes Pentium IV, which is equivalent to the above Athlon. I can find no information about CS.

Preparation for my XP installation is coming along, slowly. What a &*#^%@)!!! nuisance. Next I figure out what to do with 3,000 or so e-mails.

Thanks, everyone.


A man's only as old as the woman he feels.
                        --Groucho Marx

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