On Sun, May 01, 2005 at 01:19:58PM +1000, Anthony Farr wrote:
> Well, I installed the Adobe DNG converter, and Pixmantec Rawshooter
> essentials.  As John warned, Rawshooter will have nothing to do with the DNG
> files converted from my RAF files.

Thanks for confirming this.  I picked it up from a rather incoherent post
on the Adobe DNG discussion forums, but considered it quite possible that
the poster had been mistaken - he seemed to be less than a reliable source.
> I am royally pissed off about this.  Pixmantec's product brochure pdf
> asserted their "Support of the Adobe Digital Negative Specification (DNG)".
> But as I was installing Rawshooter, the dialogue told that it supported DNG
> from supported cameras.  So why the hell do they bother with DNG at all if
> the camera users already being supported have a supportable file in their
> camera's original RAW file.  Completely illogical! 
> Pixmantec seems to have totally missed the concept of a universal RAW
> format.

I think it's probably more a case of insufficient time to add features.
It should be fairly easy, if you already have a piece of code to support
RAW files from a particular camera, to tweak that code to also be able
to read the raw sensor data from a DNG (especially since RawShooter,
like many raw converters, appears to use very little of the metadata
from the RAW file).  But adding comprehensive support for DNG files,
including reading the sensor type information, and using that (plus,
hopefully, more of the supplied metadata) to control the conversion,
is a far more serious effort.

I'd expect to see a future release of RawShooter be able to handle a
DNG without regard to the camera the original raw file came from (as
long as the sensor layout is one that they support).

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