Hi Boris,

----- Original Message ----- From: "Boris Liberman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


If I were seeing you in person, my friend, I would simply smile and say
- can you go even smaller?

LOL. I can imagine the twinkle in your eye...:-)

Now, I actually like these two out of focus objects on the left. They
seem to prove that this wasn't taken in the controlled environment :).

Good point. Maybe they should be muted a bit, though. I'll try both that and some cropping, like Markus suggested.

There is something very fascinating about this image. No, it has nothing
to do with Plasticity (TM) :).

You see, the capsule that is in focus has these bright highlights on it.
The one that is more uniformly lit is out of focus. I'd rather it was
this way: the left capsule is in focus and is uniformly lit. The other
one could have some highlight and be out of focus...

Do I make sense?

You make sense to me. When I first saw the pics on the screen it struck me that I will need a diffuser for the flash. With re: the focus point... well, the moss is still there... :-)

However, as it is, I would still print it and see how it look "way
larger than life" proportion :).

Well... I don't consider it an exhibition shot, really... :-)


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