With my Canon Pro 90 IS and my Optio 230,  I entered the world of digital.
Now,  I am back to shooting film.  I love slides.  I love being able to see
them without having to activate a computer all the time.
I love using my Stereo Realist camera.  After getting the E-6 film
processed,  I mount the chips in RBT mounts and enjoy the stereo effect.
I shoot weddings using film.  I did one wedding with a borrowed DSLR (Canon
D60).  I took lots of pictures and spent a lot of time doing post production
work on some of the files.  Not much fun IMHO.  With film,  I can let my
processor do all of the work.  If I need digital,  I'll get CDs with the
I resurrected my Polaroid Spectra to show some "magic" to a 2 year old boy.
He loved looking at a white card that came out of the camera and watching
the white disappear to show him.  He begged for more pictures. .
Digital has its place.  Film has its place.  Most of the folks on this list
started with film.  Many have abandoned it.  I will utilize my Spotmatics,
LX,  645, and PZ1-p with the film I can still get.

Jim A. 

> From: "Dario Bonazza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: pentax-discuss@pdml.net
> Date: Sun, 1 May 2005 18:32:19 +0200
> To: <pentax-discuss@pdml.net>
> Subject: Film is actually retired (was: Apples and Oranges)
> Resent-From: pentax-discuss@pdml.net
> Resent-Date: Sun, 1 May 2005 12:32:33 -0400
> I've been no longer shooting film for one year and a half now, and I truly
> don't miss it.
> However, I can well understand anyone who wants to keep shooting film and I
> wish him/her all my best wishes.
> As I wrote several times here and there, I don't think film is dead. I think
> film can no longer manage the big business (only the blind could not realize
> that), but it can well stay alive for many years to come: sort of an active
> retirement, if I'm allowed to do such comparison.
> Couldn't this be an acceptable point of view, shared by all film and digital
> fans?
> Long life to the film!
> Dario
> Graywolf wrote:
>> I, as I have said before, do not think one is better than the other from
>> the imaging point of view, but I do hate this film is dead type of stuff
>> because I want to use film for a long time yet.

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