frank theriault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On 5/2/05, Tom C <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I view Pentax as the Hyundai of the camera market.  Nikon and Canon are the
>> Toyotas and Hondas.
>But Hyundai sells cars by offering comparable cars to Toyota and Honda
>for considerably less money...

In the last JD Powers survey, Hyundai *beat* Toyota. ;-)

Seriously, though: A few months ago I did some serious consideration of
the kind of photography I do and what kind of equipment best suits me
and I was actually slightly surprised to realise that Pentax literally
meets my needs better than any other make. Nothing else in the "thousand
dollars os so" category is built nearly as well as the ist-D. I simply
won't put up with a crappy pentamirror viewfinder. The image quality of
the 6 megapixel (and 8 megapixel) DSLR's is equal for all practical
purposes if you're shooting RAW (and if you care about image quality you
*are* shooting RAW). The only camera I'd consider as an alternative
would be the Canon 1D-II. Even at four thousand dollars I *would*
consider it if it weren't the size and weight of a small compact car (a
Hyundai, for example <g>). Nope, for hiking the ridge of Grandfather
Mountain and similar places, with backpack, tent, sleeping bag, food and
water along with my camera gear, there literally isn't anything that
competes with an ist-D and a couple of Limited lenses.

BTW: I just got a 31/1.8 Ltd!

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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